XP0100 Enterprise IP Phone Using the Advanced Phone FunctionsXorcom Ltd. 60 www.xorcom.comTone SettingsYou can use the country tone, or if you don't want to use the default one, you cancustom it by yourself.You can define the frequency and time period of all the following tones: Dial Ring Back Busy Congestion Call Waiting Dial Recall Record Info Stutter Message Auto AnswerTo edit the tone filed via web user interface:1) Click on Phone->Tones.2) Enter the frequency and time period(in ms) as the following format:Frequency /Time Period (for example 400/200).3) Press Confirm to save the change.Note:1. Contact your system administrator for more information about the frequency andtime period parameters. You can enter up to 8 groups for each tone.2. If the frequency is set as 0, it means silence.VoiceTo edit the Voice filed via web user interface:1)Click on Phone->Voice.2) Set the following parameters shown in the table.Parameter DescriptionEcho canceller Defines whether to enable the echo canceller.VAD Voice activity detection (VAD), also known as speech activitydetection or speech detection, is a technique used in speechprocessing in which the presence or absence of human speech isdetected.CNG A comfort noise generator (CNG) is a program used to generatebackground noise for voice communications during periods ofsilence that occur during the course of conversation.