XP0100 Enterprise IP Phone Using the Advanced Phone FunctionsXorcom Ltd. 56 www.xorcom.comThe table below shows part of the available object identifiers (OID) on the phone:OID Description MAX-ACCESS1. textual identification of the contactperson for this managed node,together with information on how tocontact this person. If no contactread-only1. administratively-assigned name forthis managed node. By convention, thisis the node's fully-qualified domainname. If the name is unknown, thevalue is the zero-length string.read-only1. The physical location of this node (e.g.,`telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If thelocation is unknown, the value is thezero-length string.read-only1. The time (in hundredths of a second)since the network management portionof the system was last re-initialized.read-only1. The IP Phone's Firmware version read-only1. The IP Phone's Hardware version read-only1. Model of machine read-only1. The IP Phone's MacAddress read-only1. The IP Phone's IPAddress read-only1. The IP Phone's LastUpVersion read-onlyWe recommend a SNMP test suite which is available at http://www.net-snmp.org/.The phone supports only SNMP v2c. Basic GET requests can be run in order to retrieveinformation from an SNMP-capable device. For example:>snmpget v2c –c public URLAction URLs are HTTP GET Requests allowing the phone to interact with web serverapplications. To use this feature, you should specify a HTTP URL corresponding to thepredefined event. In case the predefined event has taken place, a HTTP GET to thespecified URL is performed.HTTP GET requests may contain variable names and variable values, which areseparated by “=”. Each variable value starts with $ in the query part of the URL (e.g. MAC=$mac).Action URLs can be triggered only by predefined events (e.g. Log on).