WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790System Administrator Guide302Additional Fax Options1. On the Fax screen, click on the [Options] tab.2. Select the required option from the [Confirmation Sheet] drop-down menu.3. Select from the [Send Speed] drop-down menu, one of the following required speeds.• Forced 4800 bps - used in areas of low quality communication, when experiencing telephonenoise, or when fax connections are susceptible to errors. 4800 bps is a slower transmissionrate but is less susceptible to errors. In some regional areas, the use of 4800 bps is restricted.• G3 (14.4 Kbps) - selects the transmission rate based on the maximum capabilities of thereceiving fax device. Initial transmission speed will be 14,400 Bits Per Second (bps). This rateminimizes transmission errors by using Error Correction Mode (ECM).• Super G3 (33.6 Kbps) - this is the fastest transmission rate and is the default setting. This rateminimizes transmission errors by using Error Correction Mode (ECM). Initial transmissionspeed will be 33,600 Bits Per Second (bps).4. Select the required resolution from the [Fax Resolution] drop-down menu.5. For Send Time, select either [Send Now] or [Send At]. If you want to send your fax at a specifictime, enter the time in the next 24 hours that you want the device to send your fax.6. For Fax Dialing Options, check the following checkbox:• Dialing Prefix - if your telephone system requires Fax users to enter a prefix in front of faxnumbers. If selected, enter the prefix in the entry field.• Credit Card - if your call requires a Charge Code number for billing purposes. If selected, enterthe details for the charge code in the entry field.Setup Phone book Preferences1. On the Fax screen, click on the [Options] tab and click on the [Preferences] button.If you have more than one phonebook configured, you can specify which phonebook to use as thedefault from the [Default Phonebook] drop-down menu.2. The Personal Phonebook is created when you add fax numbers on the [Fax Recipients] tab. ThePersonal Phonebook is automatically saved on your PC in a file called default.xpb. To view thePersonal Phonebook:a. Click on the [Select File...] icon for Personal Phonebook and select the [default.xpb] file.b. Click on the [Open] button.c. Click on the [Open] icon for Personal Phonebook.3. The Shared Phonebook is a list of fax numbers and recipient details that has been saved to anetwork drive for more than one person to use. To access a shared phonebook:a. Click on the [Select File...] icon for Shared Phonebook and locate the [default.pb] sharedphonebook file on your network.b. Click on the [Open] button.c. Click on the [Open] icon for Shared Phonebook to view the phonebook.4. For User Preferences, check the following required checkboxes:• Prompt When Adding Duplicate Recipients - if you want to be notified when you addduplicate recipients to the phonebook.• Prompt When Removing a Recipient - if you want to be notified when you delete a recipientfrom the phonebook.