Network ConfigurationWorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790System Administrator Guide1363. Define the machine as a BSD style printer. Type [lpsystem -t bsd hostname]. Where hostname isthe machine hostname from the /etc/hosts file.4. Create the queue. Type [lpadmin -p queuename -s hostname -T unknown -I any]. Wherequeuename is the name of the queue being created.5. Type [exit] to exit the Bourne shell and [exit] to exit super user mode.6. Test the queue created. Type the command [lp -d queuename /etc/hosts]. Verify that the jobprints at the device.SCO UNIX EnvironmentInformation ChecklistBefore starting the procedure, ensure the following items are available or tasks have been performed:• Ensure that the correct IP Address is being used for the machine. To verify this, print aConfiguration Report from the machine.At the Device:a. Press the button on the device.b. Touch the [Machine Information] tab.c. Touch [Print Reports].d. Touch [Print Report].e. Touch [Close].The Configuration Report will print. On the report verify the details under Network Setup headingare correct.Set up for a SCO UNIX ClientSCO UNIX workstations require specific installation steps to communicate with the machine. Themachines are BSD style UNIX printers, whereas SCO is System V style UNIX.• Ensure the machine is connected to the network with Ethernet cabling.• Add the machine printer hostname to the /etc/hosts file on the SCO workstation.• Ensure that you can PING the machine from the SCO workstation, using the hostname found inthe /etc/hosts file.Perform the following steps to create a machine print queue on a SCO UNIX workstation usingeither the GUI or the TTY method.GUI Method1. Log in as root.2. From the Main Desktop, select icons: [System Administration: Printers: Printer Manager].3. Select [Printer: Add Remote: UNIX...].4. Enter the following information in to the Add Remote UNIX Printer form:5. Host: hostname (Where hostname is the machine hostname from the /etc/hosts file).Printer: name of the queue being created, i.e: dc xxxq. Select [OK] to complete the form.6. Select [OK] at the Message window.