DEFINING THE PRINTER TO THE HOST: TCP/IP ATTACHMENTXEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 IPS INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE E-33If PSF/2 output for the IPS prints elsewhere:Follow these steps to determine whether the IP address of the printeris unique.1. Power off the printer.2. Wait at least five minutes for TCP/IP to clear the AddressResolution Protocol (ARP) tables.3. Enter the ping command again at the OS/2 system.4. If you receive a successful response to the ping command thistime, there is a duplicate IP address. Consult your networkadministrator.If the ping is not successful:If your ping is not successful, verify the following:• The printer is powered on.• The cables are properly connected between the printer and theLAN.• The Network Interface Card (NIC) in the printer is functioningproperly. (Consult your Xerox service representative.)• There is proper connectivity to the Multi-station Access Unit(MAU), if one is being used.• The IP address used to define the printer in PSF is unique inthe TCP/IP network.• The IP address of the OS/2 system is unique. If not, consultyour network administrator to resolve the address problem.Printing a test job To print a file to test the IPS printer, follow these steps:1. Enter the following command on an OS/2 command line:APRINT asciifile DESTINATION=xeroxdevwhere asciifile is the name of the test file to be printed (e.g.,C:CONFIG.SYS), and xeroxdev is the queue name specifiedfor the PSF/2 queue definition.2. If an error message is generated, attempt to ascertain thereason for the error.3. If garbage is produced at the printer, verify that only valid devicetransforms have been defined, and that the printer options donot contain an illegal ASCII initialization string.4. Verify that the file to be printed is ASCII text and does notcontain control characters, which may cause unexpectedchanges in the printer state.5. If no output is generated, check the following items:• The file you are attempting to print exists.• You have specified the correct queue name on the APRINTcommand.Table E-27.Example of an unsuccessful ping – OS/2EZA0458I Ping V3R1: Pinging host ATTN to interrupt)EZA0463I PING: Ping #1 timed out.