DocuMate 3115User’s Guide676. Scanning begins and your scanned pages are stored in the location that you specified on theOne Touch 4.0 Link Properties window.When selecting the storage location for scanned documents, you can select a local folder, or a folder ona server or mapped drive.Scanning to Multiple Archive FoldersWhen archiving documents with Transfer to Storage option, you can scan the documents to differentfolders. For example, one folder might be for “Business Receipts,” a second folder might be for “PersonalReceipts,” and a third folder might be for “Annual Receipts.”To scan to multiple folders, you create multiple configurations, each with a different storage locationfor the scanned documents. Scan one set of documents using the scan configuration with theappropriate storage location for that set. Then switch to another scan configuration and scan the nextset of documents to store them in their folder.NOTE: The selections you make using the Storage Options tab override the storage location that is setin the Storage Link Properties.Setting up multiple folders for transfer to storage1. Using Microsoft Windows, create the folders that you want to use for storing scanned items.2. Open the One Touch Properties window.3. Select Transfer to Storage as the Destination Application.Your scanned documents willbe stored at the location youspecified on the One Touch4.0 Link Properties window.