DocuMate 3115User’s Guide36Default One Touch SettingsThe button names, such as eMail or Copy, indicate the original factory settings for a button. You canchange any of these settings. Please see Configuring the One Touch Buttons on page 39 forinstructions.For example, the eMail button is set up to scan documents then immediately attach them to anew eMail message in your default eMail program. The email application will default to theemail program specified in the internet options of Internet Explorer.A folder icon for a button means that the button is set up to archive the scanned item. Thescanner sends the scanned image directly to a folder without opening the image first in aDestination Application.A question mark for a button means your computer does not have the appropriate software orhardware for the initial factory settings. In that case, you would probably want to change thename and Destination Application to something else.If OmniPage or One Touch OmniPage Module is not installed, then the options for sending toword processing applications such as Microsoft Word will not be available.NOTE: The default page size in each configuration is based on your computer’s Windowssetup of United States or Metric Units.• If United States is the selected measurement, the default page size in each profile will be basedon the Imperial standard paper sizes such as 8.5” x 11”.• If Metric is the selected measurement, the default page size in each profile is based on the ISO216 standard and the majority of the profiles will default to A4.