UBI EasyCoder 501 – Service Manual20226.7LTS Troubles26. TROUBLE SHOOTING, cont'd.• The LTS must either be enabled by means of an LTS& ONstatement, or the status of the LTS must be polled by means of aPRSTAT function, in the current UBI Fingerprint program.• Is the cable connected to P-606 on the CPU board and undam-aged?• Make sure that the active parts of the sensor are not obstructed bydust or foreign objects.• The sensitivity of the sensor's receiver and the light intensity of thesensor's emitter are adjustable, see chapter 11.3.• If still no reaction, the sensor is probably defective.• Has the clock/calendar been set?• If TIME$ and DATE$ instructions give strange results, or time is notupdated at the right pace, replace the clock circuit IC-20.• If the malfunction appears only after the printer has been turnedoff, the trouble could be failing battery backup voltage.Note that the TIME$ and DATE$ instructions will work by means ofthe internal clock even when no real-time clock circuit is fitted.However, in this case time and date must be ”manually” reset aftereach startup, else errors will occur. Also see UBI FingerprintReference Manual.26.8Real-Time Clock Troubles