UBI EasyCoder 501 – Service Manual10917. CPU BOARD, cont'd.17.2OverviewThis section describes the CPU board 1-040700-30 based on theprinted circuit board 1-040700-10.The CPU board is manufactured in the multi-layer technique,where +5V and +5V GND have separate layers inside the board.The CPU board contains both logic and power supply hardware.The logic hardware on the CPU board supports the followingfunctions:• Stepper motor controls• Data supply to thermal printhead• Data measurements (e.g. printhead temperature and voltage)• PROM for program, formats and character generators• RAM for formats and images• Inputs/outputs and communicationThe CPU board is equipped with two processors, IC-07 and IC-402,the former of which is a 32CG16 that has an overall control ofprinter activities, whereas the latter is an HPC 16083M that operatesas a slave processor.CPU32CG16MEMORYDECODER/WAIT STATEGENERATORSENSORS/BUZZERINPUTS/OUTPUTSTIMERSTHERMALPRINTHEADCONTROLSTEPPERMOTORCONTROLSLAVEPROCESSORHPC16083INTERRUPTCONTROLLERRTCDMA/CONVERTER(PARALLEL TOSERIAL)SRAM /PROMKEYBOARD/DISPLAY I/O-BOARDBUSUART1:THERMALPRINTHEADSTEPPERMOTORSContinued!