UBI EasyCoder 501 – Service Manual19626. TROUBLE SHOOTING, cont'd.26.3Printing Troubles, cont'd.Continued!All or most dots printed• If the printer unexpectedly produces completely or partially blackprintout regardless of label layout, check the printhead voltage+24V. If too high, in the range of 40 to 50V, the trouble probablyoriginates from the power supply part of the CPU board. Repairif possible, or else replace the CPU board.The printhead is most certainly damaged and needs to be re-placed.Printed line along dot row at startup• Probably damaged printhead. Proceed as described above under“All or most dots printed”.Paper feed does not work• Clean the pressing roller. Paper dust can deteriorate the paper feedfunction. Clean the label stop sensor as well while you are at it.• Check the tension of toothed belt that drives the pressing roller.Adjust as explained in chapter 8.4.• Verify that a print command is actually issued in the current UBIFingerprint program.• If there is an interruption in paper feed during printout, the troublemay be that the program takes an unusually long time to processdata for each new dot row, which prolongs the interval betweenmotor steps. The stepper motor loses momentum and may evenstop completely emitting a whizzing sort of noise.Remedy: Increase the image buffer as described in the TechnicalManual (Setup; Memory allocation). By doing this, you preproc-ess more data before printing starts, which speeds up the printout.Or else, avoid sending new print data while the printer is busy witha printout.