UBI EasyCoder 501 – Service Manual162. FRONT AND KEYBOARD, cont'd.2.2Display/KeyboardThe keyboard/display assy. is connected to P-603 at the upper rightcorner of the CPU-board via a 20-p flat cable. This cable must bedisconnected before the keyboard/display can be removed.The keyboard/display must be manipulated carefully when it islifted out of its cavity. Do not use any force! If the assembly seemsto be stuck, open the right-hand door and remove the left-hand coverto check that the grub screws do not interfere with the brackets.We also recommend you to open the right-hand door and removethe left-hand cover before you start to fit the keyboard/display assy.back into the front moulding, since it makes it easier to align thebrackets with the grub screws.The keyboard/display assy. consists of a plate with two brackets, aself-adhesive keyboard, an interchangeable slide, and a keyboardinterface pcb. with a 2 × 16 character LCD and three LED's. Thekeyboard is connected to P-3 on the interface pcb. via a semi-transparent cable running through a slot in the plate. The cable to theCPU board is permanently affixed to the interface pcb.The contrast of the LCD display can be adjusted by means of thepotentiometer WR-1 on the CPU board. The potentiometer can beaccessed via a hole in the rear plate, next to the communication port"uart1:", see chapter 4.2. The display should be adjusted accordingto the prevailing light conditions when viewed from a normalworking position.2.3Display ContrastAdjustmentF1 F2 F3 F4 F5PauseSetupFeedEnter7 8 94 5 61 2 3. 0 C PrintPower Ready ErrorEasyCoder 501 EKeyboardPlateKeyboard Interface pcb.Slide