e-STUDIO163/203 ERROR CODE AND SELF-DIAGNOSTIC MODE © December 2005 TOSHIBA TEC2 - 44452 Fuser Fuser roller temperatureduring printing(Side thermistor/Thickpaper 2)ALL 9<0-14>M 0: 140°C 1: 145°C2: 150°C 3: 155°C4: 160°C 5: 165°C6: 170°C 7: 175°C8: 180°C 9: 185°C10: 190°C11: 195°C12: 200°C13: 205°C14: 210°C1453 Fuser Fuser roller temperatureduring printing(Side thermistor/OHP film)ALL 6<0-14>M 0: 140°C 1: 145°C2: 150°C 3: 155°C4: 160°C 5: 165°C6: 170°C 7: 175°C8: 180°C 9: 185°C10: 190°C11: 195°C12: 200°C13: 205°C14: 210°C1455 Imageprocess-ingToner supply amount cor-rection/Toner motor controlALL 0<0-5>M Corrects the supplyamount of the freshtoner (driving period ofthe toner motor) into thedeveloper unit.0: x1.0 1: x0.752: x0.5 3: x0.34: x2.0 5: x1.51462 ADF Setting for switchbackoperation to copy mixed-sized original on ADFALL 0<0-1>SYS Sets whether or notdetecting the originallength by transportingwithout scanning inreverse when findingA4-R/FOLIO paper.0: Invalid- Judges asA4-R without trans-porting in reversewith no scanning.1: Valid- Judgeswhether it is A4-R orFOLIO size bytransporting inreverse with noscanning.* The original is trans-ported in reversewith no scanningwhen detecting LT-LG size-paper in LT,regardless of thissetting.1Setting mode (08)Code Classifi-cation Items Func-tionDefaultablevalue>RAM Contents Proce-dure06/05 PreviousNext |