Automatic Call DistributionACD System Features274 Strata DK Feature Description 5/99Caller IDThe telephone number and name of a calling party is displayed on the LCD of a ringing Agenttelephone and can be sent to a PC. A maximum of 10 telephone number digits and 15 namecharacters can be displayed or sent to a computer.The Caller ID Interface (RCIU) PCB is required, in conjunction with the normal ground or loopstart CO line PCBs to provide the Caller ID feature. It can be provided on analog loop start lines(RCOU/RCOS, PCOU) and analog ground start lines (RGLU) only. It is not available on any othertype of analog lines, such as DID (RDDU), Tie (REMU, PEMU), or digital T1 lines (RDTU).An RCIU/RCIS circuit must be available for each line that is to receive Caller ID. When orderedfrom the factory, the RCIU PCB comes equipped with four Caller ID circuits. An RCIS piggy-back PCB can be installed onto the RCIU to provide four more Caller ID circuits, for a maximumof eight Caller ID circuits per slot. Caller ID data for answered calls can be displayed on SMDRreports.Caller ID data is stored in system memory for calls that are abandoned before being answered, sousers know the name (if provided by the local CO) and telephone number of who called even ifthey did not leave a message. Designated Agent or Supervisor LCD telephones can display andAuto Dial the abandoned call numbers. The system can store numbers up to 2,000 with theRCTUE/F processor, 1,000 with the RCTUC/D processor, and 400 with the RCTUBA/BBprocessor. Individual stations can store from 0 to 100 in increments of 10.DKAdmin can print a list of abandoned call numbers for all telephones that store abandoned callnumbers.For computer applications, Caller ID digits and names (if supplied by the local CO), can be sent toa PC connected via an RPCI-DI. This enables users to receive pop-up screens on their PC thatprovide information regarding the calling/called party before answering and during the call.BenefitsProvides valuable information to agents as they answer calls. Computer applications enable usersto receive pop-up screens on their PC, before answering and during the call, further enhancingservice to callers. Abandoned call information provides the valuable ability to return calls to thosecallers who did not get through or did not leave a message.System AvailabilityStandard on Strata DK424 with ACD exceptthose with RCTUA processors