FeaturesSystem FeaturesStrata DK Feature Description 5/99 25Computer ApplicationsFor computer applications, ANI digits are sent to an individual PC connected using an IntegratedPC Data Interface Unit (RPCI-DI). It enables pop-up screens on the PC that provide informationregarding the calling/called party before answering and during the call.BenefitsProvides instant information about the person calling to the station user and expedites callhandling by shortening the length of the telephone call. Most of the information that the callerwould have to provide is already available to the call taker.Abandoned call information is available so station users know the telephone number and time/dateof the last call, even if the caller hung up without leaving a message. This provides better service tocallers and is a big productivity boost to call takers.Table 6 ANI, Caller ID, and DNIS Routing DestinationsRouting Destination ANI LineCallsCaller IDLineCallsDNISLineCalls1,21. DNIS calls can be received independently or simultaneously with ANI “calling number” digits.2. Not supported by DK14.Tie & DIDLine Calls 2Ground2/Loop StartLine CallsIndividual Primary/Secondary/Phantom DirectoryNumber X X X X XCO Line or pooled line buttons X XIndividual Distributed Hunt (DH) Group2 X X X X XIndividual Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)Groups X X X X XRemote Maintenance/Administration (M&A)Modem X X X X XSystem external Page (Tie lines, private networklines only) XSystem night bell or night ringing over externalPage X X X X XIntercept destination (station consoleannouncement) applies to DID line types only X X XExternal telephone network numbers X X X X XVoice mail box/Auto Attendant device X X X X X