58 Getting StartedUsing the touch padTo: Do the following: Example:Move the on-screen pointerSlide your finger across the touchpad in the direction you want tomove the pointer.To move the pointer a longerdistance, slide your finger severaltimes across the touch pad in thepreferred direction.(Sample Illustration)Pointer moves to therightSelect an item 1 Move the pointer to the itemyou want to select.2 Do one of the following:❖ Tap the touch pad onceOR❖ Press and release theprimary (left-hand)control button(Sample Illustration)Tap once to selectOpen oractivate an item1 Move the pointer to the itemyou want to open/activate.2 Do one of the following:❖ Tap the touch pad twicein rapid successionOR❖ Press and release theprimary control buttontwice in rapidsuccession(Sample Illustration)Tap twice to openRight-click anitem1 Move the pointer to the itemyou want to right-click.2 Press and release thesecondary control button.This feature varies by program.Check your programdocumentation for specificinstructions on right-clicking.(Sample Illustration)Click the secondary(right-hand) controlbutton