24IntroductionWelcome to the world of powerful, portable, multimediacomputing. With your Toshiba computer, your work andentertainment can accompany you wherever you go.Your computer is ENERGY STAR® qualified.Toshiba is a partner in the Environmental ProtectionAgency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR ® Program and has designedthis computer to meet the latest ENERGY STAR ® guidelinesfor energy efficiency. Your computer ships with the powermanagement options preset to a configuration that willprovide the most stable operating environment and optimumsystem performance for both AC power and battery modes.To conserve energy, your computer ships with default powersettings that will turn off the display or enter low-powerSleep mode after a specific amount of inactivity. Werecommend that you leave this and other energy savingfeatures active, so that your computer will operate at itsmaximum energy efficiency. You can wake the computerfrom Sleep mode by pressing the power button. See the“Mobile Computing” section of the Toshiba User’s Guide formore information on using power management settings toconserve computer energy.