Glossary 149disc—A round, flat piece of material, designed to be read fromand written to by optical (laser) technology, and used in theproduction of optical discs, such as CDs and DVDs.Comparedisk.disk—A round, flat piece of material that can be magneticallyinfluenced to hold information in digital form, and used in theproduction of magnetic disks, such as hard disks. Comparedisc. See alsohard disk.disk drive—The device that reads and writes information andprograms on external media or hard disk. It rotates the diskat high speed past one or more read/write heads.document—Any file created with an application and, if savedto disk, given a name by which it can be retrieved. See alsofile.double-click—To press and release the pointing device’sprimary button rapidly twice without moving the pointingdevice. In the Windows® operating system, this refers to thepointing device’s left button, unless otherwise—(1) In communications, to receive a file fromanother computer through a modem or network. (2) To sendfont data from the computer to a printer. See alsoupload.drag—To hold down the mouse button while moving the pointerto drag a selected object. In the Windows® operatingsystem, this refers to the left mouse button, unless otherwisestated.driver—Seedevice driver.DVD—An individual digital versatile (or video) disc. See alsoDVD-ROM.DVD-ROM (Digital Versatile [or Video] Disc Read-OnlyMemory)—A very high-capacity storage medium that useslaser optics for reading data. Each DVD-ROM can hold asmuch data as several CD-ROMs. CompareCD-ROM.E emulation—A technique in which a device or program imitatesanother device or program.enable—To turn on a computer option. See alsodisable.