63Registering Local InformationMinimum CostAllows you to select whether to specify theMinimum Cost bit rate of the TOS field.On: Specifies the Minimum Cost bit rate ofthe TOS field.Off: Does not specify the Minimum Cost bitrate of the TOS field.DiffserveEnter the Diffserve value, between 0 and 64.This item only appears when “TOS” is set to“Diffserve”.Encryption via LAN Page 1/1Configure the “Encryption via LAN”function to conduct encryptedvideoconferences. When you enable thisfunction, only those terminals who input thepassword defined here can connect to thevideoconference, allowing for greatersecurity.For details about encryptedvideoconferences, see chapter 7.Encryption via LANAllows you to select whether to use theencryption feature for videoconferences.On: Uses the encryption feature.Off: Does not use the encryption feature.Encryption PasswordEnter the password necessary to start anencrypted videoconference.• When “Encryption via LAN” is set to “On”,you cannot start a videoconference if yourterminal is not equipped with the encryptionfeature, a terminal with “Encryption viaLAN” set to “Off”, or a terminal with adifferent encryption password. You can startan unencrypted videoconference with aterminal connected via an ISDN.• The encryption function is not availablewhen you connect to other terminals throughcascade LAN and ISDN connections.NotesEncryption via LANEncryption via LANOnPage: 1/1Encryption PasswordLANSave Cancel