48 Registering Local InformationWhen the remote videoconferencing systemdoes not support the audio mode selected bythe local site, the mode automatically becomes“G.711”.RestrictAllows you to select the ISDN transmissionrate at dialing. If you set. “IndividualSettings” to “On” on page 1 of theCommunication Setup menu, you canperform this setting individually fortransmission, reception, and multipointconferencing.Auto: Select when connecting a remoteparty via a normal ISDN line.56K: Select when connecting a remote partylocated in a region or country where theISDN transmission rate is 56 Kbps.The system is set to connect an ISDN line at thetransmission rate of 64 Kbps by default.However, some countries, such as the USA,and some regions may use the ISDNtransmission rate of 64 Kbps and 56 Kbps. Youmay not communicate with such countries orregions at 64 Kbps, so you must therefore set“Restrict” to “56K” before dialing.Page 3/3Far End Camera ControlAllows you to select whether to enable thecontrol of each other's cameras from eachother's site.On: Enables the control of each other'scameras. This is the default setting.Off: Disables the control of each other'scameras.T.120 DataAllows you to select whether to perform dataconferences with the T.120 standard usingNetMeeting (only for ISDN connections). If youset “Individual Settings” to “On” on page 1 of theCommunication Setup menu, you can performthis setting individually for transmission,reception, and multipoint conferencing.On: Enables T.120 data conferences.Off: Disables T.120 data conferences.For details about T.120 data conferences,see “Conducting a Data Conference UsingNetMeeting – T.120 Data Conference” onpage 138.H.239Allows you to select whether you can use thedual video presentation mode based on theH.239 standard. If you set “IndividualSettings” to “On” on page 1 of theCommunication Setup menu, you canperform this setting individually fortransmission, reception, and multipointconferencing.On: Enables the dual video presentationmode based on the H.239 standard.Off: Disables the dual video presentationmode based on the H.239 standard.Page 4/4This page is only displayed when MCUsoftware (page 169) is installed.Multipoint ModeAllows you to select whether to conductmultipoint videoconferences.Auto: Switch from two-pointvideoconference to multipointvideoconference automatically.NoteNoteFar End Camera Control OnPage: 3/3OffOnT. 120 DataH 239CommunicationSave CancelMultipoint Mode AutoPage: 4/4SplitBroadcast ModeCommunicationSave CancelAutomaticSplitFull ScreenSender Screen