Chapter 7 Session Management 7-85Chapter 7 Session ManagementCUES fieldThis field (lower right of screen), displays the CUESlist from the MIXES GUI. During OFFLINE CUTSoperations, this list also displays Cut Events intimecode order.SELECTOR blockThe selector block on the upper left of the screenallows the selection of the control type on which theoffline editing will be performed. Only one type ofcontrol can be worked on at a time.CHANS • Channel Faders & CutsMTSEND • Multitrack Send Faders & CutsCHSEND • 24 Send Levels & Cuts(A Channel must be selected first,then the appropriate Sends)SNDMIX • All Channel Levels & Cuts for aSingle Send Bus(The Send must be selected first,then the appropriate Channels)GROUPS • Control Group Faders & CutsSSGs • Super Send Group Faders & CutsSENDS • Send Bus Output Faders & CutsMAIN • Main FaderALL/NONE • Used in channel selectionRANGE • Used in channel selectionTo set the durationData editing has to be within time constraints. Thetime can be specified in three ways (FM = from):Enter FM and TOThe DURATION is set automatically.Enter FM and DURATIONThe TO time is set automatically.Enter TO and DURATIONThe FM time is set automatically.The FM and TO times can be entered either directly byclicking on a timecode field for a pop-up or by usingcue times. Enter a cue time by highlighting that cue inthe cues list, then click on the bar below the FM or TOlegends to transfer the time. The cue time will beentered and its name displayed. If a timecode set byusing a cue is subsequently altered, the cue name willdisappear.To nudge times with the { + } and { - } keys on theControl Keyboard, click on a timecode field for a pop-up then nudge as required.For faders, the transitions can be set as butt or ramp.Click on the butt icon for it to change to ramp and viceversa. Click on the ramp time for a pop-up to set theramp time. In and out ramps can have different times.OFFLINE FADERS EDIT PROCEDURETo select FadersFor Channel Faders, click on CHANS in the selectorblock. It highlights red and the channel faders aredisplayed in the numbers field. Click on the channelsto be worked and they highlight red. Click on themagain to de-select.This procedure also applies to MTSEND, GROUPS,SSGs and MAIN.To select SendsFor Send levels for a particular channel, click onCHSEND; it highlights red and the channels aredisplayed in the numbers field. Click on the requiredchannel and its Sends, 1-24, are displayed in thenumbers field. Click on the required Sends and theyhighlight red.For a mix of all channels for a particular Send bus,click on SNDMIX; it highlights red and Sends 1-24 aredisplayed in the numbers field. Click on the requiredSend and the channels are displayed in the numbersfield. Click on the required channels and theyhighlight red.Using ALL, NONE and RANGETo select all faders of any type, click on ALL and allnumbers will be highlighted red. ALL will change toNONE.