Chapter 7 Session Management 7-57Chapter 7 Session ManagementNote{USE MASK} inter-cancels with {EQ A} or {EQ B} or{DYNAMICS}. But {EQ A}, {EQ B} and {DYNAMICS} can beused in any combination. If {EQ A} and {EQ B} are onsimultaneously, the Filters are also included in Copy andLink operations.Adjusting offsets with Faders and KnobsThe offsets between linked control functions can beadjusted in a number of ways.• FadersTo adjust offsets between faders, touch and hold oneand adjust any others in the Link Group.• Definable Knobs (such as Pans)To adjust offsets between definable knobs, press andhold one knob and adjust any others in the LinkGroup.• Other Knobs (e.g. EQ or Dynamics sections)To adjust knobs in the assignable channels sectionareas, de-select the channel from the Link Group,make the adjustments and then re-link that channelinto the Link Group.It is possible, with EQ panels for example, to pressand hold a knob on one side of the control surfaceand adjust the same knob on a linked channel theother side.COPY using the GUIThe COPY and CP DYN buttons in the GUI allow thecopying of channel functions using two GUI pop-ups.The definitions for COPY and CP DYN are:COPY • Copies the static settings of controls.CP DYN • Copies the Dynamic Automationdata for automated controls andstatic settings for others.All Copy functions will affect channel controlsaccording to the Copy DEFAULTS fields.Click on COPY for pop-ups in the following order:SELECT SOURCE CHANNEL pop-upClick on the required source channel to highlight asource. As soon as one is highlighted the destinationspop-up will appear.DESTINATIONS FOR SOURCE CHANNELClick on DESTINATION CHANNELS to highlightthem or click on the screen menu buttons:ALL • To send copy data to all channels.RANGE • Highlight the first and last channel of arange.It is possible to mix these function i.e. click on ALLand un-highlight a number of channels, for example.Click OK, and the SELECT SOURCE CHANNELpop-up appears ready to select another source channeland more destinations, or click OK to finish theoperation.