Chapter 4 Signal Paths 4-47Chapter 4 Signal PathsRouting and monitoring a signalOnce the set-up operations described earlier in this section have beencompleted:1 Select {M/T SEND} on the SELECT TO FADERS panel and adjustfaders on source channels to suitable level settings.2 Select suitable destinations for the source channels using the MULTI-FORMAT routing buttons.3 Monitor the levels visually on the meters related to the channels set upas Multi-Format Masters.4 Listen to the mix via the Multi-Format Monitor described previously in4-13-2.Sub LevelThe level control for signals sent to the Sub channel works in two modes,depending on the routing selection.Routed to SUB onlyWhen the {SUB} routing button alone is selected for a channel, the level iscontrolled using the M/T Send Fader. Select {M/T SEND} on the SELECTTO FADERS panel.Routed to SUB and other destinationsWhen the {SUB} routing button is selected along with at least one otherrouting button for a channel, the level is controlled using the M/T SendFader and can be trimmed using the Sub Level Fader. Select {M/T SEND} or{SUB LEVEL} accordingly on the SELECT TO FADERS panel.NoteThe setting of the Sub Level Fader will depend upon the sequence of buttonpresses. If {SUB} is selected first followed by one or more other routing buttons,the Sub Level Fader will be set at unity gain or 0dB. If {SUB} is selected after oneor more routing buttons, then the Sub Fader will be set at infinity or fully closed.