47GUIDE Plus+ (RDR-AT105/AT107/AT205 only)GUIDE Plus+ (RDR-AT105/AT107/AT205 only)Viewing the GUIDE Plus+DisplayThe GUIDE Plus+ ® system is a freeinteractive programme guide. It displays upto seven days of programme listings,including programme titles, promotions, andbroadcast information. GUIDE Plus+ datafor the television programme listings arecarried by your local broadcast host channeland are received through your aerial, set topbox receiver, or direct cable connection fromthe wall.Visit www.europe.guideplus.com for a listof all European host channels.These are just a few of the ways to use theGUIDE Plus+ system.– Search for programmes by listing themaccording to category (such as Movies orSport) or by using the Keyword Searchfunction (page 53).– Once you have found the programme youare looking for, use the GUIDE Plus+system to set the timer for recording(page 52).– You can set the system to display yourfavourite programmes according toconditions that you set, such as categoryand keyword (page 49).b NoteThe GUIDE Plus+ system cannot be used when“Input Line System” is set to “NTSC” in the“Basic” setup (page 118).Press GUIDE.The GUIDE Plus+ system “Home Screen”appears.A Video Window: This shows theprogramme you were watching whenyou pressed GUIDE.B Action Bar: When the same colourbutton on the remote is pressed, theAction Bar functions. The Action Barfunction differs according to thescreen.C Information Box: Shows informationabout the selected programme whenthe “Home Screen” is displayed.Contents will differ according to thedisplayed screen.</M/m/,,ENTERPAGE –GUIDEPAGE +DAY – DAY +Blue buttonGreen buttonRed buttonYellow buttonINFO,continued