Interaction with other functions11.10Behavior of Safety Integrated when the communication fails10/1511-811© Siemens AG 2015 All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) -- 10.2015 EditionNoteWhen MD10089 is changed, for the drive--independent ESR function, the valuemust also be transferred to the drives. This is realized using the ”Copy SI Data”function. The ”Confirm SI data” softkey is used to confirm the checksums (this isalso necessary). Further, the user must also enter the values into drive parametersp9697 and p9897. Before this,”Activate drive commissioning” softkey must bepressed. After changing the data, by pressing the ”Deactivate drivecommissioning” softkey, the checksums are automatically acknowledged andsaved by ”Save”.After communication to the drive monitoring channel has failed, the delay timer tocancel the pulses is started ifS a pulse cancellation delay has been parameterized using$MN_SAFE_PULSE_DIS_TIME_BUSFAILS an SG stage with machine protection is activeMD36963 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_REACTION (for the individual SG stages)or MD36961 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_MODE (for all SG stages together)and the corresponding drive parameter assignment (p9563, p9561).The criterion for a communication failure to the drive is when the sign--of--lifebetween the NCK and drive monitoring channel fails twice. This leads to Alarm27050 ”Axis %1 failure SI communication”.Behavior of the axis--specific NCK monitoring channelIf a pulse suppression delay is parameterized using$MN_SAFE_PULSE_DIS_TIME_BUSFAIL, after a communication failure, theSGA of all axis--specific SI monitoring channels are first left in their old state. AllSGAs are deleted after this delay time has expired. The axis--specific monitoringfunctions are no longer processed immediately after communication fails as thebasis for the monitoring functions, the safe actual value, is no longer available.In the following cases, in the event of a communication failure, the axis--specificNCK--SGA are immediately deleted, even if a delay time is parameterized in$MN_SAFE_PULSE_DIS_TIME_BUSFAIL:-- a) an external STOP A is selected-- b) a test stop is selected-- c) the function SBH is or will be selected-- d) An SG stage is selected or will be selected, where it was previously ex-plicitly specified that in this SG stage no ESR should be performed in theevent of a communication failure (e.g. SG stage for personnel protection),(see $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_REACTION or$MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_MODE).Since the NCK monitoring channel is assigned to the shutdown path of the MotorModule, the Motor Module must also know whether, in the event of communicationfailure, the pulses should be canceled with a delay. The NCK cyclically providesthe Motor Module with this information. If the Motor Module detects a communica-tion failure, dependent on the latest information of the NCK, it starts its delay timerwith the parameterized time from p9897 and then independently deletes thepulses.