Diagnostics10.3 Safety messages for SINAMICS S12010/1510-760 © Siemens AG 2015 All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) -- 10.2015 EditionFor fault value = 4:-- Check whether there is a DRIVE--CLiQ communications errorbetween the Control Unit and the Sensor Module involved and ifrequired, carry out a diagnostics routine for the faults identified.For fault value = 6:-- The encoder configuration data are corrupted or an encoder withimpermissible configuration data was used. Therefore, replace theencoder or use a different type of encoder.For fault value = 7:-- p12033 for an encoder used for Safety Integrated is not equal to 1.Use a linear DRIVE--CLiQ encoder, and parameterize where p12033= 1.For fault value = 8:-- Check p9541. Use an encoder and parameterize it using analgorithm supported by Safety Integrated.For fault value = 9:-- Check p9514 and p9522. Use an encoder and parameterize wherethe ratio p9514 to p9522 is binary.For fault value = 10:-- Align the EDS assignment for all encoders used for SafetyIntegrated (p0187 ...p0189).For fault value 11:-- Use a linear DRIVE--CLiQ encoder and parameterize where thezero setting is equal to 0.For fault value 12:-- Parameterize an encoder for the second channel (p9526 > 1).For fault value 13:-- Parameterize a second encoder or use a DRIVE--CLiQ encoder.F01671 SI Motion: Encoder parameterization errorOFF2Acknowledgment IMMEDIATELY (POWER ON)The parameterization of the encoder used for Safety Integrated is notthe same as the parameterization of the standard encoder.Note:This fault does not result in a safety stop response.Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):Parameter number of the non--corresponding safety parameter.Align the encoder parameterization between the safety encoder and thestandard encoder.Response for A:ExplanationRemedy