Regulations and standards1.2 Safety of machinery in Europe10/151-18 © Siemens AG 2015 All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) -- 10.2015 EditionEuropean standards relating to the safety of machines are structured in a hierarchi-cal manner as follows:S A standards (basic standards)S B standards (group standards)S C standards (product standards)Type A standards/basic standardsA standards include basic terminology and definitions relating to all types ofmachine.A standards are aimed primarily at the bodies responsible for setting the B and Cstandards. The measures specified here for minimizing risk, however, may also beuseful for manufacturers if no applicable C standards have been defined.Type B standards/group standardsB standards cover all safety--related standards for various different machine types.B standards are also aimed primarily at the bodies responsible for setting C stan-dards. They can also be useful for manufacturers during the machine design andconstruction phases, however, if no applicable C standards have been defined.A further sub--division has been made for B standards, and more precisely in:-- Type B1 standards for higher--level safety aspects, e.g. basic ergonomicprinciples, safety clearances from hazards, minimum clearances to avoidcrushing parts of the body.-- Type B2 standards for protective safety devices are defined for variousmachine types – e.g. Emergency Stop devices, two--hand operating circuits,interlocking elements, contactless protective devices, safety--related parts ofcontrols.Type C standards/product standardsC standards are standards for specific products – for instance, machine tools,woodworking machines, elevators, packaging machines, printing machines etc.Product standards list requirements for specific machines. The requirements can,under certain circumstances, deviate from the basic and group standards. TypeC/product standards have the highest priority for machine manufacturers Themachine manufacturer can then assume that it fulfills the basic requirements ofAttachment I of the machinery directive (automatic presumption of compliance).If no product standard has been defined for a particular machine, type B standardscan be applied when the machine is being constructed.A complete list of the standards and the mandated draft standards are available onthe Internet at the following address: Due to the rapid pace of technical development and the asso-ciated changes in machine concepts, the standards (and C standards in particular)should be checked to ensure that they are up to date. Where appropriate, note thatthe application of a particular standard may not be mandatory provided that all thesafety requirements of the applicable EC directive are fulfilled.