Diagnostics10.2NCK safety alarms for Sinumerik 840D sl10/1510-665© Siemens AG 2015 All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) -- 10.2015 Edition164Cam position: the setting in MD36936$MA_SAFE_CAM_POS_PLUS[22] does not correspond with theassociated drive parameter assignment.RemedySafe cam 23+. Enter the same MD.165Cam position: the setting in MD36937 $MA_SAFE_CAM_POS_MI-NUS[22] + MD36940 $MA_SAFE_CAM_TOL does not correspond withthe associated drive parameter assignment.RemedySafe cam 23-- (+tolerance). Enter the same MD.166Cam position: the setting in MD36937 $MA_SAFE_CAM_POS_MI-NUS[22] does not correspond with the associated drive parameterassignment.RemedySafe cam 23--. Enter the same MD.167Cam position: the setting in MD36936$MA_SAFE_CAM_POS_PLUS[23] + MD36940$MA_SAFE_CAM_TOL does not correspond with the associated driveparameter assignment.RemedySafe cam 24+ (+ tolerance). Enter the same MD.168Cam position: the setting in MD36936$MA_SAFE_CAM_POS_PLUS[23] does not correspond with theassociated drive parameter assignment.RemedySafe cam 24+. Enter the same MD.169Cam position: the setting in MD36937 $MA_SAFE_CAM_POS_MI-NUS[23] + MD36940 $MA_SAFE_CAM_TOL does not correspond withthe associated drive parameter assignment.RemedySafe cam 24-- (+tolerance). Enter the same MD.170Cam position: the setting in MD36937 $MA_SAFE_CAM_POS_MI-NUS[23] does not correspond with the associated drive parameterassignment.RemedySafe cam 24--. Enter the same MD.