2 Machine information 03/20132.4 Archives© Siemens AG 2006-2013 All Rights Reserved2-72 SINUMERIK Integrate AMB, AMC, AMM, Function Manual (FH) - 03/2013Function Description TypeArchivesSearch Search and filter tree that can be displayed andhidden for the following archives:• Types• Last time periods- OR -• From• ToDISPLAY<< x >> The number in the display indicates the number oflines per window that are shown in this menu. 1 to200 lines can be selected. If the window content islarger than the visible display, a scroll bar isdisplayed.DISPLAYSELECTIONFree textfilterThe free text filter lets you search for the partialtext of a name.A multiple selection for filtering can be made foreach archive type.DISPLAYSELECTIONINPUTArchive type A multiple selection of the archive types ispossible.SELECTIONFiltering The filter selection is activated via the "Filter"button.ACTIONArchives or data backups can be imported into theSINUMERIK Integrate archiving system. The datais then available for a "Restore" on the machine.Any files can be stored via an Import menu asarchives, see below: Importing archives.ACTIONAll archives are set as selected with the checkboxin the header.The archive of the line is selected or deselectedwith the checkbox in front of each archive.SELECTIONOpens the window with the details of the archivetype.DISPLAYName Shows the name entered during the configuration. DISPLAYArchive type Shows the name of the archive type enteredduring the configuration.DISPLAYComment Shows the name of the comment entered duringthe configuration.DISPLAYDatecreatedDate and time of the archiving event.The archives can sorted according to date, inascending or descending order, via the header.DISPLAYDeletes each archive in the line.The identifier "Deletable" must be set for therespective archive.ACTIONDelete All the selected archives are deleted via the"Delete" button.Archives for which the identifier "Deletable" hasnot been set are retained.ACTION