4 Organizational tasks 03/20134.1 Maintenance© Siemens AG 2006-2013 All Rights Reserved4-216 SINUMERIK Integrate AMB, AMC, AMM, Function Manual (FH) - 03/2013Function Description TypeStatus Indicates the status of the job. The status can bechanged by the user at this point.Opening the job should indicate that themaintenance procedures required in the job arein progress.Closing the maintenance job corresponds toacknowledging it. It can be determined herewhether or not the maintenance procedureswere performed successfully.SELECTIONThe status of a maintenance job is "new" when itis has not yet begun or when it is due.The job can be opened to perform themaintenance job.The job can also be closed right away as OK ornot OK.The status of a closed job can no longer bechanged.A job that has been opened can only be closed.Machine ID Display of the machine ID from the machinemaster data. The displayed value depends onwhether the maintenance job list is visualizedfrom the point of view of any given partner, orfrom the local point of view.DISPLAYName Name of the maintenance schedule which theuser has specified during configurationDISPLAYServiceengineerThe system automatically enters the user who islogged on to SINUMERIK Integrate, and hasmost recently opened the maintenance job onthe machine operator panel.DISPLAYResponsibleorganizationIndicates the organization configured in themaintenance schedule as taking responsibilityThe user can select a different organization tobe responsible for this particular maintenancejob, from a drop down list box.See also Section: Editing the master data of amachineDISPLAYSELECTIONINPUT