OfficeServ 500 Wireless LAN Service Manual/Ed.00 CHAPTER 3. Installation© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Page 3-115.4 Assigning a terminal IPBefore registering a WIP500M terminal, an effective IP address shall be assigned tothe WIP-5000M terminal using the MMC 848 program. This IP address shall beassigned for each terminal.Although this IP address may not be relevant when not using the data service, assignan effective IP address for later use of both voice and data services.5.5 Authorizing the Terminal RegisterA wireless LAN terminal shall be registered at the system DB in order to be used forthe OfficeServ 500 System. After authorizing the terminal register through the MMC849 program, register the terminal following the registration procedure. Thepassword used for entering the register authorization menu can be changed throughthe MMC 849 program, along with the previous password used for the OfficeServ500 In addition, the WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy), an encryption method for thewireless LAN, is used to maintain data confidentiality in the wireless environment.Execute the MMC 849 program for authorizing a terminal register in order to registera terminal to the system. Once the terminal registration is complete, cancel theregister authorization to restrict the registration of other terminals.MMC ProgrammingRefer to ‘Chapter 5 MMC Programming’ of this Description for programming proceduresrelated to the wireless LAN.