4. TroubleshootingHow to analysis the defect imageSee the next flow chart.TIP1) According to the part remain life, cause can vary. Check the part remain life.2) Check the defect whether periodic or not.PP OO WW EE RR !!OO NNAA nn yy !!IImm aa gg ee !!DD ee ff ee cc tt ??CC hh ee cc kk !!SS ee tt !!SS tt aa tt uu ss !!&& !!PP aa rr tt ss !!LL iiff ee11 ..!! CC hh ee cc kk !!OO PP EE !!LL EE DD22 ..!! PP rr iinn tt !!RR ee pp oo rr tt33 ..!! PP rr iinn tt !!TT ee ss tt !!PP aa gg eeAA ss ss uu mm ee !!DD ee ff ee cc tt !! TT yy pp ee !! && !!CC aa uu ss ee ssTT ee ss tt !!aa !! cc aa uu ss eePP rr iinn tt !!TT ee ss tt !!PP aa gg ee ,,!! CC llee aa rr ??VV ee rr iiff iicc aa tt iioo nn(( 22 ~~ 33 !!TT iimm ee ss ))zz ff ttoo ppzz ff ttCopyright© 1995-2016 SAMSUNG. All rights reserved. 4-206