50Field setting modeEnglishField Setting Mode࡙ 3023: Offset temperature of DHW’s thermo on (Only Hydro Unit / Not Hydro Unit HT)Ɵʪ͔ΧʪθɇϩЇθʪͱ˙²ͱϩǮɇϩʪθƟɇ̧॒͝Ɗʪϩϩ̈͝˝ϩʪ͔ΧʪθɇϩЇθʪͱ˙²ͱϩǮɇϩʪ θƟɇ̧͝फ़ߢĘUƟʪ͔ΧʪθɇϩЇθʪͱ˙²ͱϩǮɇϩʪθƟɇ̧॒͝AͱʒʪߢߣߡߤࢄࣔAͱʒʪߣߣߡߤࢄफ़A ߤߣߡߤࢄͱʒʪ࡙ 3024: When Heating and DHW mode is operating at the same time and heating mode is operatingbased on leaving water temperature with Thermo off, heating will operate for number ofminutes stated in #3024 after every time maximum DHW operation time ends࡙ 3025: DHW operation time when heating and DHW mode is operating at the same time࡙ 3026: Heating operation time when heating and DHW mode is operating at the same time303*: Booster heater variables for combination with heat pump࡙ 3031: Application of Booster heater࡙ 3032: Booster heater startup delay timer࡙ ࡠߤߤߡߤ9ͱͱϑϩʪθ˵ʪɇϩʪθͱЭʪθϑ˵ͱͱϩϩʪ͔ΧʪθɇϩЇθʪ࣍ƊǤࡡߤߤߡߤࢄUʪ˙ɇЇ̷ϩ ߡઑAࡡŵɇ͝˝ʪߡॄߥઑA࣎304*: Setting hot water tank disinfection period࡙ 3041: Application of disinfection function࡙3042: Scheduling (day)Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday AllDay0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7࡙ 3043: Starting time (hour)࡙ 3044: Target tank temp࡙ 3045: Duration time (After reaching the target temperature)࡙ 3046: Maximum duration of disinfection operation (disinfection operation stops after the specifiedduration)࢘Disinfection operation can start if a booster heater is connected.࢘Check the booster heater capacity and booster heater failure , if disinfection operation does notwork normally over the maximum duration. (E919 error)࡙ 3061: Interlock between solar pump and hot water ࣕ0: Hydro unit ‘s operation regardless of solar pump activation ࣕ1: Hydro unit’s stop when solar pump is operating ࣕ2: Disabled ࣕ3: Defrost signal output when entering defrost mode࡙ Code 401* ࣕSpace/DHW heating priority and control variables࡙ 4011: Priority setting of simultaneous operation both hot water and heating ࣕ0: Hot water operation has priority. (The related operation is followed with 302*) ࣕ1: Heating operation has priority. (If an ambient temperature < 4012, hot water operation isneglected.)