26Field setting modeEnglishField Setting ModeField Setting Value (FSV) 20**Code 20** : Water law design and external room thermostat Heating(2 WL’s for floor & FCU),Cooling(2 WL’s for floor & FCU), WL & Thermostat types࡙ The values in the following table are just examples for your understanding.Main Menu &Code Menu Function SubCodeMODEL CODE :AE200(260)RNW***MODEL CODE :MIM-E03CN /MIM-E03ENSetting Standard Setting StandardItem Step Unit Default Min. Max. Default Min. Max.Water LawCode 20**HeatingOutdoor Temperature forHeating Water LawMax (Point 1 ) 1 ঐ 2011 -10 -20 5 -10 -20 5Min (Point 2 ) 1 ঐ 2012 15 10 20 15 10 20Water outTemperature forWL1 Heating (UFHs)Max (Point 1 ) 1 ঐ 2021 40 17 65/70 1)* 40 17 65/70 1)*Min (Point 2 ) 1 ঐ 2022 25 17 65/70 1)* 25 17 65/70 1)*Water outTemperature forWL2 Heating (FCUs)Max (Point 1 ) 1 ঐ 2031 50 17 65/70 1)* 50 17 65/70 1)*Min (Point 2 ) 1 ঐ 2032 35 17 65/70 1)* 35 17 65/70 1)*Heating Water LawSelection WL Type - - 2041 1(WL1) 1 2 1 (WL1) 1 2CoolingOutdoor TemperatureforCooling Water LawMax (Point 1 ) 1 ঐ 2051 30 25 35 30 25 35Min (Point 2 ) 1 ঐ 2052 40 35 45 40 35 45Water outTemperature forWL1 Cooling (UFHs)Max (Point 1 ) 1 ঐ 2061 25 5 25 25 5 25Min (Point 2 ) 1 ঐ 2062 ߩߢ 5 25 ߩߢ 5 25Water outTemperature forWL2 Cooling (FCUs)Max (Point 1 ) 1 ঐ 2071 ߩߢ 5 25 ߩߢ 5 25Min (Point 2 ) 1 ঐ 2072 5 5 25 5 5 25Cooling Water LawSelection WL Type - - ߢߩߡߣ 1(WL1) 1 2 1(WL1) 1 2ExternalControlExternal RoomThermister#1 (UFHs) 1 - 2091 0(No) 0 4 0(No) 0 4#2 (FCUs) 1 - 2092 0(No) 0 4 0(No) 0 4RemoteController Remote Controller Room Temp. Control 1 - 2093 4 1 4 4 1 4NOTE࡙ 1)* The value is determined according to the type of outdoor unit.