Managing Mail 167Sorting the List M Managing Mail 13 Sorting the List M 13 Sprint PCSWireless Web MManaging MailHotSync OptionsYou can manage your e-mail application more effectively byselecting HotSync options to control which items downloadwhen you synchronize your phone and your desktopcomputer. Different options can be set up for local and remotesynchronization.For example, you may want to download all of your e-mailitems when you are working at the office and synchronizingyour devices locally, but only urgent e-mail items when youare away from your office and synchronizing your devicesremotely. Once your local and remote options have beendefined, your phone determines if synchronization isoccurring locally or remotely and uses the appropriate settingsfor the HotSync operation.You can filter messages to control which ones are downloaded,and you can set truncation options to download only part oflarger e-mail items.Downloading transmits only e-mail items and any textinformation, not attachments, to your phone. Downloadedattachments are left in your desktop e-mail application.