Managing Mail 153M Managing Mail 13 M 13 Sprint PCSWireless Web MManaging MailSetting up the Desktop MailBefore you use the Mail application for the first time, makesure that your desktop e-mail application is installed andrunning. You must also set up the Palm™ Desktopapplication for use with your desktop e-mail application.Your phone supports various desktop e-mail applications,including Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express,Microsoft Exchange (version 4.0 or higher), Eudora (version3.0.3 or higher), and Lotus cc: Mail (versions 2.5, 6.0, and7.0). You can view the full list of the supported applicationswhen you set up Mail.If your desktop e-mail application does not appear on the list,you may still be able to manage your desktop e-mailapplication from your phone using special connectionsoftware, called a conduit, that allows you to synchronize yourdesktop e-mail application and your phone. Contact thevendor of your e-mail application for more information.