169Integrator Mode7 Setting the ABL LINKThis option synchronizes the screen brightness on the multiple displays that form a Video Wall.Apply the AUTO ID function the select a screen divider option (other than OFF).~ Place the cursor on ‘ABL LINK’ then press the [2/3]buttons to change the settings.Each time a [2/3] button is pressed, the setting changesas shown below.[Setting the ABL LINK]ON ........... Brightness of each screen on the video wall isthe same (available for 4-panel and 9-panelvideo walls only).OFF ......... Brightness of the screens depends on thesetting of each display.[Connecting four displays]When this option is ‘ON’, connect the four displaysaccording to the POSITION sequence numbers in thefigure on the right with the combination cable (Mini-DIN,6 pin). If the screen division or POSITION has changed,the ABL link automatically turns off.NoteConnect in the same way for a 9-panel video wall.7 Setting the REPEAT TIMERREPEAT TIMER duplicates the timed activities twice.Apply the ‘AUTO ID’ function then select a screen divider option (other than OFF).! Set the cursor on ‘REPEAT TIMER’ then press the [SET]button.@ Use the 5/∞/2/3 buttons to change settings.[Setting the REPEAT TIMER]DIVIDER ......... Setting the 1, 4, and 9 screen displaysSOURCE ........ Setting the input displayedWORK TIME .. It can be set in 1 minute units up to 4hours and 15 minutesWhen the REPEAT TIMER has run twice, it alternatelyswitches between REPEAT TIMER1 and REPEATTIMER2. A video wall, only the panel in position ID1controls all the settings.NoteREPEAT TIMER goes in to effect when the OSD display disappears.The ‘VIDEO WALL’ settings are common for all inputs.Screen ~3 ONOFF 232V I D E O WA L LN O R M A LO F FO F F:::O F F:SET EXITMENUD I V I D E RT Y P EAU TO I DP . O N D E L AYA B L L I N KR E P E A T T I M E RR E T U R NP O S I T I ONDisplay 1 Display 2Display 3 Display 4No.1 No.2No.3No.4No.1 No.2No.3No.4No.1 No.2No.3No.4No.1 No.2No.3No.4COMBINATIONINCOMBINATIONOUTCOMBINATIONOUTCOMBINATIONINCOMBINATIONINCOMBINATIONOUTCOMBINATIONOUTCOMBINATIONINScreen !0 0 H 0 1 MI N P UT 140 0 H 0 1 MI N P UT 2412::::::SET SET EXITMENUD I V I D E RWORK T I M ER E P E A T T I M E RS OURC ED I V I D E RWORK T I M ES OURC E