8About the "Live" pageq [Setup] button (*1)Displays the setup menu. The button will turn greenand the setup menu will be displayed.w [Live] buttonDisplays the "Live" page. The button will turn greenand the "Live" page will be displayed.e [Multi-screen] buttonsImages from multiple cameras can be displayed ona multi-screen by registering cameras on the setupmenu. (☞ Page 11)r [Compression] buttons[H.264]/[MPEG-4] button: The letters "H.264" (or"MPEG-4") on the button will turn green and anH.264 (or MPEG-4) image will be displayed.When "On" is selected for "H.264 transmission"(or "MPEG-4 transmission") of "H.264(1)" (or"MPEG-4(1)"), , the [H.264] (or [MPEG-4]) buttonwill be displayed. (☞ Pages 42 and 46)[JPEG] button: The letters "JPEG" on the buttonwill turn green and JPEG image will be dis-played.t [Image capture size] buttonsThese buttons will be displayed only when a JPEGimage is displayed.[VGA] button: The letters "VGA" will turn green andimages in the main area will be displayed in VGAsize.[QVGA] button: The letters "QVGA" will turn greenand images in the main area will be displayed inQVGA size.[1280x960] button:SP306 SP305 SF336 SF335The letters "1280x960" will turn green and imag-es in the main area will be displayed in 1 280 x960 (pixels).[800x600] button: SP302 SF332The letters "800 x 600" will turn green and imag-es in the main area will be displayed in800 x 600 (pixels).[640x360] button: The letters "640 x 360" will turngreen and images in the main area will be dis-played in 640 x 360 (pixels).[320x180] button: The letters "320 x 180" will turngreen and images in the main area will be dis-played in 320 x 180 (pixels).qwertyuio!0!1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7!8