85About the displayed system logError indications relating to SMTPCategoryPOP3 server errorSMTP server errorInternal errorAuthentication error.Failed to find the POP3 server.Authentication error.Undefined error.Failed to resolve the mail server addressfrom DNS.Failed to find the SMTP server.• Entered user name or password may beincorrect. Check if the mail settings areconfigured correctly.• The IP address of the server may beincorrect. Check if the IP address of theserver is configured correctly.• The POP3 server may be down. Ask thenetwork administrator.• Entered user name or password may beincorrect. Check if the mail settings areconfigured correctly.• An error occurred in the mail function.Check if the mail settings are configuredcorrectly.• The designated IP address of the DNSmay be incorrect. Check if the DNS set-tings are configured correctly.• The DNS server may be down. Ask thenetwork administrator.• The IP address of the server may beincorrect. Check if the IP address of theserver is configured correctly.• The SMTP server may be down. Ask thenetwork administrator.Indication DescriptionCategoryFTP server errorConnection errorInternal errorFailed to resolve the FTP server addressfrom DNS.Failed to find the FTP server.File transfer error.Undefined error.Passive mode error.Log out failed.Failed to change the directory.User name or password isn't correct.• The FTP server may be down. Ask thenetwork administrator.• The FTP server settings may be incor-rect. Check if the FTP settings are config-ured correctly.• The settings relating to the indicated itemmay be incorrect. Check if the FTP set-tings are configured correctly.• An error occurred in the FTP function.Check if the FTP settings are configuredcorrectly.• The IP address of the server may beincorrect. Check if the IP address of theserver is configured correctly.Indication DescriptionError indications relating to FTP