64 Send toEnter the mail addresses of the recipient of the alarmmail and the warning report mail. Enter the mailaddresses of the recipients for "Address1" - "Address4".Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters includinghyphens (-), periods (.) and at mark (@).Up to 4 destinations can be registered.Check the desired mail type (warning/alarm) to be sent. From AddressEnter the mail address of a sender. Entered mailaddresses will be displayed in the "From" (sender) line.Enter up to 127 alphanumeric characters includinghyphens (-), periods (.), at mark (@) and underscores(_).Note:The following alphanumeric characters and markscan be entered.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XY Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! " # $ % ' ( ) * + , - . /: ; < = > ? @ [ \ ]^ _ ` { | } ~Settings relating to Panasonic Protocol [Panasonic Alarm Protocol]Perform the settings to notify a PC of event/error occurrence.Screenshot 1Click the [Comm] button in the "Setup" panel and thenclick the "Panasonic Alarm protocol" tab to display the"Panasonic Alarm protocol" page.Step 1Perform the following setup items. Port Number (to PC)Enter a port number to be used to transmit a Panasonicalarm protocol to the PC. RetrySet the retry number of the Panasonic alarm protocoltransmission to the PC in case that the PC failed toreceive the Panasonic alarm protocol. Destination AddressEnter the address of the recipient. Enter the IP addressor host name for "Address1" - "Address4".Up to 4 destinations can be registered.Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters includinghyphens (-), periods (.) and underscores (_).Step 2Click the [SET] button after completing the settings.