35AUDIO RECSelect ON or OFF to determine whether or not to recordaudio together with images for each channel when per-forming the emergency recording.OFF: Audio will not be recorded.ON: Audio will be recorded.Default: OFFNotes:• Audio will be recorded together with images.It is impossible to record only audio.• Only CH1 is available for audio recording for the WJ-NT304/WJ-NT314.CH2 - 4 are always unavailable for audio recording.• It is impossible to record audio while performing theSD memory recording.When a recording rate except for OFF is selected for"SD MEMORY REC", audio recording for therespective camera channel will automatically be setto OFF.Important:• When selecting ON for audio recording, make surethat the audio capturing function of the respectivecamera is enabled.In this case, select "32kbps" for the audio bit ratesetting of the camera.• To record audio, select "Mic input" or "Interactive(Full-duplex)" for "Audio mode" on the setup menu ofthe camera.(Depending on the model or the version of the cam-era, "Interactive (Full-duplex)" is not available.)• Audio will be recorded regardless of the display pat-tern (single screen or 4-screen). CAMERA SETUPSet the recording rate for the SD memory recording foreach channel. Refer to page 40 for further informationabout the SD memory recording.The following recording rates are available for "SDMEMORY REC". When "OFF" is selected, the SD mem-ory recording will not be performed for the respectivechannel.OFF/0.1 ips/0.5 ips/1 ipsNotes:• The recording rate setting for "SD MEMORY REC" isavailable only for cameras with the SD memoryrecording function and their image compressionmethod is set to "M-JPEG".• The recording rate for "SD MEMORY REC" shouldbe less than the recording rate set for the emer-gency recording.When the camera in use is WJ-NT304/WJ-NT314,recording will be performed at 0.2 ips even when"0.5 ips" or "1 ips" is selected for the recording ratefor "SD MEMORY REC".• When setting the recording rate for "SD MEMORYREC", make sure that "Use" is selected for the "SDmemory card" setting of the camera.When "Use" is not selected or when no SD memorycard is mounted on the camera, error messagesmay be displayed several times a day, and recordingmay be interrupted for around 20 seconds each timethe error message is displayed.This may also occur when the firmware of the cam-era is older. In this case, upgrade the firmware of thecamera.When the firmware version of the camera in use isnot the version listed below, upgrade the firmware.• It is impossible to record audio while performing theSD memory recording.When selecting OFF for audio recording, the record-ing rate for "SD MEMORY REC" of the respectivecamera channel will automatically be set to OFF.Important:When the emergency recording is triggered whilecommunication with the camera is not established,the SD memory recording will not be performed.