Programming41Other functionsThe functions listed below can be set when selecting “OTHER” in step 2 on page 38.The default setting is indicated in bolds.Functions ContentsTIME AND DATE You can set the current date and time (page 20).RINGER TONE You can select the ringer pattern that is heard from the main monitor station and thesub monitor station (page 43).DOOR STATION 1: TONE 1, TONE 2, TONE 3DOOR STATION 2: TONE 1, TONE 2, TONE 3CAMERA 1 – 4: TONE A, TONE B, TONE C, TONE D (You can select the tone foreach extended cameras separately.)L�To confirm the ringer pattern, press {►} while selecting the desired tone.RINGER SELECTION This function prevents the main monitor station or the specified sub monitor stationfrom receiving calls from the door station or the camera (optional) (page 45).DOOR STATION 1: ON, OFFDOOR STATION 2: ON, OFFCAMERA 1 – 4: ON, OFF (You can select the setting for each camera separately.)L�Select “OFF” for the door station or the camera from which you do not want toreceive calls.CONTACT CLOSURESELECTIONYou can select whether the device connected to the K1/K2 terminal on the mainmonitor station functions or not when calls from the door station or the camera(optional) are received (page 47).DOOR STATION 1: ON, OFFDOOR STATION 2: ON, OFFCAMERA 1 – 4: ON, OFF (You can select the setting for each camera separately.)L�Select “OFF” for the door station or the camera with which you want to cut-off fromcall functions.EXTERNAL DEVICE It is unnecessary to change this setting. If you change the setting, the unit may notwork properly.1 TERMINAL-2 SIGNALS, 2 TERMINALS-1 SIGNALDOOR STATION CONNECTION You can select the setting of the door station.DOOR STATION 1: YES, NODOOR STATION 2: YES, NOL�Select “NO” for the door station that is not in use.DOOR KEY You can select how long the door is open when the door opener (sold separately) isconnected to the main monitor station (page 46).2 SEC OPEN, 3 SEC OPEN, 4 SEC OPEN, 5 SEC OPEN, 6 SEC OPEN,7 SEC OPEN, NOT CONNECTDOOR STATION AUTORECORDINGWhen receiving calls from the door station, images are automatically recorded.DOOR STATION 1: ON, OFFDOOR STATION 2: ON, OFFPICTURE RECORDALLOCATIONYou can divide the recordable number (up to 100 images) into 2 parts, one for theimages from the door station and the other for the images from the camera (optional).YES, NOL�When “YES” is selected up to 30, images are recorded from the door station and upto 70 images are recorded from the camera (optional).DOOR STATION PICTURE RECNUMBERYou can select the number of images to be recorded when receiving a call from thedoor station. (You cannot select the setting for door stations 1 or 2 separately.)1 PICTURE, 4 PICTURESL�When “4 PICTURES” is selected, 4 images are recorded during auto recording ormanual recording.PICTURE RECORD TIMING You can select the interval to automatically record images when receiving calls fromthe door station.(You cannot select the setting for door stations 1 or 2 separately.)NORMAL (about 2 seconds), DELAYED (about 3 seconds)L�Select “DELAYED” at night when the recorded images are difficult to see.