47Note :• Disc cannot be inserted or removed unless the batterypack or AC adaptor is connected to DVD Video Camera.• If there is some delay before recording starts, refer to“Check 4” on page 149.• The disc insertion orientation is specific. Forciblyinserting a disc in the wrong orientation could damagethe DVD Video Camera or disc.• If the disc is not correctly inserted, the cover will not close.Never try to forcibly close the cover: this could causedamage. Reinsert the disc properly.• If a single-sided disc is inserted into DVD Video Camerawith the printed label facing the inside, an error messagewill appear. Remove the disc and reinsert it with itsrecording/playback side facing the inside. See “ErrorMessages” on page 152.• Do not allow the recording/playback side to become dirtyor scratched.• When using double-sided discRecording is possible on both sides of double-sided disc.However, when recording or playback on one side isfinished, recording or playback will not moveautomatically to the other side. Remove the disc oncefrom the DVD Video Camera, turn over the disc and insertit again for continued use.lWhen using brand-new DVD-R discRecognition of the disc willstart.The messages on the rightwill appear in sequence bypressing the A buttonbetween messages.When recording on thisDVD Video Camera:When the first message“Format the disc now?”appears, choose “YES” andthen press the A button.The disc will be formatted.When formatting iscomplete, “DVD-R disc,Video mode cannot bechanged” will appear (Seepage 154): After confirmingthe contents, press the Abutton to erase themessage.Once formatted, a DVD-Rdisc can no longer berecorded on by a PC, even if it has not beenrecorded on by this DVD Video Camera.Note :See page 84 for movie quality mode.When recording data from PC:While the above messages are being displayed,press the g button, or when message “Format thedisc now?” appears, choose “NO” and then pressthe A button.If data from PC has not yet been recorded, the disccan be made usable on this DVD Video Camera.When inserting the disc into this DVD VideoCamera, the same message will appear: If you wishto use it on this DVD Video Camera, choose “YES”.Note :Do not initialize a disc on which you wish to record datacreated using the application DVDfunSTUDIO on PC.NEXTThis disc must be formattedbefore it can be used bythis camera.Format DiscCANCELENTERFormat the disc now?Format DiscYES NONEXTFormat DiscCANCELDo not format this discif you want to record fromthe PC connection terminal.