111123Selecting Scenes Using Menu Screen (Select)You can use this “Select” function to select consecutive scenes at one time.This function is useful when there are numerous scenes.1 Press the DISC NAVIGATION button.2 Press the MENU button.3 Choose “Select” on the “Scene” menu screen.4 Choose “Start → Current”,“Current → End” or “All”and then press the Abutton.lDeselecting selected scenesDeselecting scenes one by one:While you are displaying the “All Programs” screenon which scenes have been selected, choose thescene to be deselected and then press the SELECTbutton.Note :Up to 999 scenes can be selected.Deselecting all the selected scenes at once:While you are displaying the “All Programs” screenon which scenes have been selected, press the gbutton.SceneRAMENTER RETURNEditCopySelectDetailETCStart – CurrentCurrent – EndAllEffect006/011All ProgramsPLAY RAM006/011All ProgramsPLAY RAMDESELECT ALL006/011All ProgramsPLAY RAMDESELECT ALL006/011All ProgramsPLAY RAMDESELECT ALLCurrent scene“Start → Current” is specified:The scenes from the first tocurrent will be selected.“Current → End” is specified:The scenes from the currentto end will be selected.“All” is specified:All scenes from the first to endwill be selected