48EnglishAnnex■ Table 1: Specifications of the supported formats (video)Fileextension Container VideocodecMaximumresolutionMaximumframerateMaximumbit rateMPEG1 AudioLayer3 (MP3) AC3 AACHE-AAC WMA L-PCM.ts.trp.to.m2tsMPEG2-TS H.264 1 080P 30 fps 20 Mbps.mp4 MP4MPEG-4AVC/H.2641 080P 30 fps 20 Mbps.mkv MKVH.264 1 080P 30 fps 20 MbpsMPEG-4AVC 1 080P 30 fps 20 Mbps.avi AVIMPEG-4AVC 1 080P 30 fps 20 MbpsH.264 1 080P 30 fps 20 Mbps.asf.wmv ASFH.264 1 080P 30 fps 20 MbpsMPEG-4AVC 1 080P 30 fps 20 MbpsVC1 1 080P 30 fps 20 MbpsWMV3 1 080P 30 fps 20 Mbps* The device may not be able to play some of the video files. Especially, the device may not be able to play MP4 videofiles depending on the encoder.■ Table 2: Specifications of the supported formats (audio)File extension Audio codec Bit rate Sampling rate.mp3 MPEG1 AudioLayer 3 32 Kbps - 320 Kbps 32 kHz - 48 kHzN/A(Only video files aresupported)AC3 32 Kbps - 640 Kbps 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz.m4a.AAC AAC, HEAAC 24 Kbps - 384 Kbps 8 kHz - 48 kHz.wma.asf WMA 128 Kbps - 320 Kbps 8 kHz - 48 kHzN/A(Only video files aresupported)LPCM 64 Kbps - 1.5 Mbps 8 kHz - 48 kHz■ Table 3: Specifications of the supported formats (picture)File extension Codec (Format) Picture Resolution.jpg JPEG Baseline 15 360 x 8 640Progressive 1 024 x 768.png PNG Non-interlaced 9 600 x 6 400Interlaced 1 200 x 800.bmp BMP - 9 600 x 6 400The device may not be able to play some pictures even if the container and codec are as described.