RQT567114 ListeningYALLRANDOM1EQ ONMONOST- REC1SLEEPPLAYRECFADERREALLRANDOM1EQ ONMONOST- REC1SLEEPPLAYRECFADERREPGMPGMALLRANDOM1EQ ONMONOST- REC1SLEEPPLAYRECFADERREALLRANDOM1EQ ONMONOST- REC1SLEEPPLAYRECFADERREPGMALLRANDOM1EQ ONMONO- REC1SLEEPPLAYRECFADERREPPGGMMALLRANDOM1EQ ONMONO- REC1SLEEPPLAYRECFADERREPPGGMMPGMSTSTPreset channelThe Radio: preset tuningPresetting radio stationsRemote control onlyTuning is simpler if you preset stations.You can preset 12 FM and 12 AM stations.Preparation: Tune to the station you want to preset. (page 13)Press [ PGM/ CLEAR ].While “ ” is flashingPress the numbered buttons to enter thestation into a channel (1 to 12).•To enter channels 10, 11, and 12Press [ 10], then the two digits.•If “ ” stops flashingPress [ PGM/ CLEAR ] again.Selecting channelsPreparation: Press [TUNER BAND] to select FM or AM.Press [TUNE MODE] to display “ ”.Press [REW/–/ ] or [ /+/FF] to select thechannel.On the remote controlPress the numbered button(s) to select the channel (1 to 12).To select channel 10, 11 or 12, press [≥10], then the two digits.Using preset scanYou can search for a station by listening to all presetchannels for 8 seconds each.Main unit onlyPreparation: Press [TUNE MODE] to display “ ”.1 Press and hold [REW/–/ ] or [ /+/FF]until “PS” appears on the display.Preset scan starts.2 Press [REW/–/ ] or [ /+/FF] when youfind the desired channel.Preset scan ends after searching through each presetchannel once.To stop during the process, press [REW/–/ ] or [ /+/FF]Cancelling a preset channele.g. If channel 3 is not needed.Select channel 3.Press [ PGM/ CLEAR ] on the remote control.With 10 secondsPress [REW/–/ ] or [ /+/FF] so “-- --” is displayed.Press [ PGM/ CLEAR ] on the remote control.Now when [REW/–/ ] or [ /+/FF] is pressed,channel 3 is skipped.The channel can still be selected with the remote control.