1Chapter4 AdjustmentsandSettingsforRecordingChanging scene file settings Example 1: Change the name of the scenefile.1 Selectthescenefiletobechanged.2 SelectthemenuoptionNAMEEDITintheSCENEFILEscreen,thenpresstheJOGdialbutton.For details on menu operation, refer to [Using theMenus] (page 106).PUSH MENU TO RETURNNAME EDIT NORM1RETURNCHANGEMATRIXSCENE FILE3 SelectCHANGEandpresstheJOGdialbutton.PUSH MENU TO RETURNNAME EDITNORM1RETURNCHANGEMATRIXSCENE FILE4 Whenthescreenshownbelowappears,usetheJOGdialbuttontoentera-characterfilename.• Turning the JOG dial button changes the characterdisplay in the following order: space () alphabet (A to Z) numerics (0 to 9) symbols (; : < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^_-./).• If the RESET button is pressed when the filenamehas been set, the characters are cleared.PUSH MENU TO RETURNS P A R KFILE SELECT 3NAME EDIT• After you finish setting the filename, press theMENU button. This completes the NAME EDITchange. A change that has been confirmed isretained after a power down and is not affected bydial position. Items set for the scene file are alsoretained. Example 2 : Save the FILE 1 scene data tothe camera.1 SelectthemenuoptionLOAD/SAVE/INITintheSCENEFILEscreen,thenpresstheJOGdialbutton.For details on menu operation, refer to [Using theMenus] (page 106).PUSH MENU TO RETURN(SYNCHRO SCAN)FILE SELECTDETAIL LEVELV DETAIL LEVELDETAIL CORINGRETURNLOADSAVEINITIAL01CHROMA LEVELCHROMA PHASE 00LOAD SAVE INITSCENE FILE