1Chapter MaintenanceandInspectionsPriority Warningtype LCD indication Tally lamp WARNINGlampAlarmtoneWarning descriptionand recording/playbackoperationCountermeasures7Error ofcamerasectionWARNING causeindication*4 blinks red Off Off NoAn error in the camera sectionis detected. Operationcontinues, but abnormalshooting may occur.Check the causeindication*4 andconsult yourdistributor.8 P2 card fullyrecordedP2 FULLBlinks redBlinks 4times persecond aftercompletionof recording.Lights aftercompletingrecordingContinuoustone aftercompletingrecordingNo more space on P2cards left for recording.Stoprecording.*5Delete clips that areno longer needed orinsert a new card.9 Playbacksync errorSYNC POSI FAILEDBlinks white Off Off NoThe synchronization of clipposition has failed. It mayoccur when the referencesignal is unstable during 3Dclip playbackCheck the numberand type of theclip. Or press theSTOP button to stopplayback, check theconnection and/orthe input signal, thenrestart playback.10 RecordingerrorREC WARNINGCause indication *6Blinks redBlinks 4times persecondBlinks 4times persecondIntermittenttone 4times persecondA recording error hasoccurred. The error mayterminate recording. *7Turn the power offand then back onagain and checkrecording andplayback. Replaceany P2 card thatdoes not enablenormal recording.(Continued on the next page)*4 Camera WARINNG cause indication• FOCUS NG: Focus error (: L, R or L/R)• ZOOM NG: Zoom error (: L, R or L/R)• IRIS NG: Iris error (: L, R or L/R)• ND FILTER NG: ND filter error (: L, R or L/R)• CONV. NG: Convergence error (: L, R or L/R)• SUB LENS NG: Sub-lens error (: L, R or L/R)*5 Perform either of the following procedures to cancel this warning.• Press a playback control button.• Press the THUMBNAIL button.• Remove the P2 card and insert another card.*6 REC WARNING cause indication• CARD ERROR: P2CARD error ( indicates the slot of the card with the error.) Stops recording.• REC RAM OVERFLOW: Overflow of recording RAM. Stops recording.• PULL DOWN ERROR: 24P, 30P (25P) video pulldown error. Recording continues.• OVER MAX# CLIPS: Recording is interrupted as the limit for the number of clips that can be recorded to one P2 cardhas been reached.• IRREGULAR FRM SIG: The reference signal, such as the GENLOCK input, is distorted.• L/R DURATION NG: The duration of the recorded clip is different between the L and R P2 cards.*7 Perform either of the following procedures to cancel this warning.• Press the REC button.• Press a playback control button.• Press the THUMBNAIL button.• Remove all cards.