1.16 Optional Device Features146 Feature Guide1.16 Optional Device Features1.16.1 Doorphone CallDescriptionA visitor using a doorphone will call a preprogrammed destination (extension or outside party).Extension users can call a doorphone.Conditions• Hardware Requirement:KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200: An optional Doorphone, the OPB card and DPH cardKX-TDA15/KX-TDA30: An optional Doorphone and the DPH card• Each doorphone port must be assigned to one tenant. The Time Table (day/lunch/break/night) of the tenant applies. ( 2.2.4 Time Service)• Call DestinationThe incoming doorphone call destination(s) can be assigned for each time mode (day/lunch/break/night) for each doorphone port ( Doorphone Call Destination [720]).Destinations can be selected. ( Internal Call Features—SUMMARY)• COS programming determines the doorphone ports that are able to make an outgoingtrunk call.• Internal Call Block determines which extensions can call a doorphone. ( InternalCall Block)• Ring DurationIf an incoming call is not answered within a preprogrammed time period, ringing stops andthe call is cancelled.• Call DurationThe call duration can be restricted by a system timer. If the timer expires, the call will bedisconnected.• Door OpenWhile engaged on a doorphone call, the extension user can unlock the door to let thevisitor in. ( 1.16.2 Door Open)• A doorphone number can be referenced for each doorphone port ( Doorphone NumberReference [729]).• KX-TDA15/KX-TDA30 onlyDoorphones 1 and 2 (or 3 and 4) cannot make a call simultaneously. If a visitor pressesthe doorphone button while the other doorphone is engaged in a call, he will hear no tone.Doorphones 1 and 2 (or 3 and 4) cannot receive a call simultaneously. If an extension usercalls a doorphone while the other doorphone is engaged in a call, he will hear a busy tone.Installation Manual ReferencesInstallation Manual2.6.1 OPB3 Card2.6.2 DPH4 Card2.6.3 DPH2 Card