Answering System Features (KX-TCD580 only)372 Select K, then press ,.3 Select “Record”, then press ,.4 Select “Record Memo”, then press,.L Hold the handset about 20 cm awayand speak clearly into the microphone.5 Press Z to stop recording.6 Press {ih}.Note:L Voice memos are treated as newmessages.Memory capacityThe total recording capacity (including yourgreeting message, caller messages, voicememos, audible call announcements, andrecorded conversations) is about 30minutes. A maximum of 64 messages canbe recorded.L If message memory becomes full, “Full”is displayed. To record additionalmessages, you will need to eraseunnecessary messages.L Messages are retained even if a powerfailure occurs.Using direct commandsYou can operate the answering system bypressing dial keys, rather than navigatingthrough the menus. To use the followingcommands, press $ (centre of joystick),select K, then press ,.Key Direct commands{1} Repeat message (duringplayback) *1{2} Skip message (duringplayback){3} Enter the “Setting TAM”menu{4} Play new messages{5} Play all messages{6} Play greeting message{7}{4} Record memo message{7}{6} Record greeting message{8} Turn answering system on{9} Stop (recording, playback){0} Turn answering system off{*}{4} Erase this message (duringplayback){*}{5} Erase all messages{*}{6} Erase greeting message*1 If pressed within the first 5 seconds ofa message, the previous message willbe played.Key Direct commands