Answering System Features (KX-TCD580 only)35Answering systemThe KX-TCD580 base unit contains ananswering system which can answer andrecord calls for you when you areunavailable to answer the phone. You canalso record your own voice memos (page36) and phone conversations (page 14).For details about memory capacity, seepage 37.Important:L Only 1 handset can access the answeringsystem (listen to messages, record agreeting message, etc.) at a time.L When callers leave messages, the unitrecords the day and time of eachmessage. Make sure the date and timehave been set (page 11).Turning the answeringsystem on/off1 Press $ (centre of joystick).2 Select K, then press ,.3 Select “Answer On” or “Answer Off”,then press ,.4 Press {ih}.Note:L When the answering system is turned on,r is displayed next to the battery icon.L When the answering system is turned off,r disappears. The unit will not answercalls.Greeting messageWhen the unit answers a call, callers aregreeted by a greeting message. You canrecord your own greeting message or use aprerecorded greeting message.Recording a greeting messageYou can record your own greeting message(2 minutes and 30 seconds max.).1 Press $ (centre of joystick).2 Select K, then press ,.3 Select “Record”, then press ,.4 Select “Record OGM”, then press,.L Hold the handset about 20 cm awayand speak clearly into the microphone.5 Press Z to stop recording.L The greeting message is played back.6 Press {ih}.Note:L To erase the greeting message, press_ during playback, select “Yes”, thenpress ,.L “Error” is displayed if the greetingmessage is less than 1 second long.Using a prerecorded greetingmessageIf you erase or do not record your owngreeting message, the unit can play aprerecorded greeting message for callersand ask them to leave messages. If themessage recording time (page 40) is set to“Greeting Only”, caller messages willnot be recorded and the unit will play adifferent prerecorded greeting messageasking callers to call again.Playing back the greetingmessage1 Press $ (centre of joystick).2 Select K, then press ,.3 Select “Play OGM”, then press ,.4 Press {ih}.